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Privacy Policy

Issued May 18, 2020


Sivive Enterprise Solutions Private Limited, a company incorporated in India and its employees (Sivivevivelogis, we, us), value your relationship and respect your choice to share your personal and non-personal information (collectively, information) for engaging with us. We appreciate your concerns about sharing your information with us.


Our privacy policy including reference to other documents and information (collectively, policy), outlines how we or our authorized third-party service providers and vendors (collectively, service providers), may collect, use, store and protect your information shared with us. Your information is essential for us to serve you with our products, services, and communications (collectively, services), as well as information about these services. You might share information with us –

  1. as a registered user with credentials or otherwise as a visitor (collectively, users or you);

  2. with or without a contractual obligation  or business contract (business use);

  3. through our websites, and, their sub-domains, web or mobile applications (collectively, our websites, sites or platforms); and

  4. through other sources


We want to use your data responsibly, in good faith, on a need to know basis, and for legitimate purposes only as per this policy. Where expressly agreed by us or when brought to our notice, we will take necessary efforts to comply with the legal requirements of the country of our users.


We cannot ascertain if our sites and its contents are prohibited for access or considered inappropriate for a specific category of users, e.g. minors under any country regulations. Before accessing our sites, verify your legal age and entitlement to do so under your respective country regulations. By accessing our sites, you confirm to do so at your initiative and responsibility to comply with your local laws. By visiting our sites, contacting us, or otherwise engaging with us, you understand and agree that we may collect, use, and transfer your information as set out in this policy. We reserve the right to amend this policy from time to time, and encourage you to be updated with the changes here frequently, and ensure that you become comfortable with the changes.


This policy also aims to clarify how, when, and why we, including our affiliates and third-party service providers, receive, collect, and use your information, and rights to delete your data. This policy does not override your rights and obligations under other agreements or contracts entered into with us, by you as a business user identified and authorized to do so, by our customers using our services under a valid business agreement.


Information shared by you or collected by us

You may be required to share your information with us pursuant to your access to our sites in a personal capacity or as a business user, as mentioned earlier. We may collect your personal information, such as name, address, contact numbers, email addresses, and general information related to your business. We seek information on our sites to the minimum, and only to meet the specific and fundamental purposes of contacting and communicating with you or to meet the purposes from your access to our sites and applications.


As a user of our sites in your personal capacity, you may opt not to update your information on our sites. However, you may need to share information when you choose to –

  1. seek information from us about our products and services;

  2. request, inform, or instruct us to contact you;

  3. conduct transactions on our sites;

  4. take part in our questionnaires, surveys, and promotional campaigns


As a business user, your personal information, including your name, email and mobile, and other contacts will be updated in our business applications, as per prevailing contracts with our customers in order to –

  1. generate your user credentials, user id, and password;

  2. validate your actions as an authorized user; and

  3. communicate and update the information to you as a business user including confirmations and the status of your processes and transactions.


The personal information you provide us with on our sites may include –

  1. names, emails, contacts including mobile numbers and locations;

  2. browsing details including Internet protocol (IP) address that you may use to connect your computer to the Internet, logins, email addresses, passwords, computer-related information, and transaction history;

  3. payment information including credit card details

  4. your sessions, page responses, length of certain page visits, page interaction information; and

  5. your comments, feedback, product reviews, and recommendations through your profile


You may opt-out of our general communications and updates, marketing campaigns, and promotions anytime, unless you are a business user with overriding terms governed by contractual use of our applications and services with our customers.


Reasons for collecting your information

We may collect your non-personal and personal information for the following reasons –

  1. Enable our business users to access and use our services;

  2. Share details about our existing and upcoming features, products and services;

  3. Provide support to our users and visitors;

  4. Contact our users and visitors with general, personalized, promotional or service related information;

  5. Internal business purposes;

  6. Create aggregated or inferred non-personal information to provide and improve our services;

  7. Comply with applicable laws and regulations.


Storing your personal information on our sites

We may host our sites on third-party platforms and domains. These platforms provide us with the necessary online infrastructure that allows us to serve our customers and users with our services. Your information may get stored in the databases and general applications of these third-party service providers in secure servers behind firewalls.


We choose our service providers and transaction payment gateways based on their ability to meet generally accepted standards of adhering to and supporting data privacy and security, such as PCI-DSS or equivalent.


Irrespective of the choice of our hosting platforms and service providers, we are committed to taking necessary measures and continually review our decisions to keep your information secured from unauthorized access and usage.


Using your information

We are committed to using your information received from you directly or through your organizations or customers, in good faith, to the extent reasonable, and only for specified use. For instance, we would use your email address to respond to your inquiry, request, or question, if you contacted us and provided your email address.

We may also use the information collected from you through our sites for reasons including –

  1. Serving and supporting you with our services;

  2. Responding to your requests, inquiries, comments;

  3. Offering you new products and services, or directing you to sections of our sites or other websites, that we believe to be to your interest;

  4. Communicating marketing and advertising content, and offers we believe to be of interests to you;

  5. Communicating and administering your participation in our campaigns, events, programs, contests, offers, and promotions;

  6. Evaluating, improvising and developing new features on our sites, analyzing and enhancing User experiences, and assessing the effectiveness of our marketing, advertising, and other communicated content;

  7. Performing data analytics by using aggregated and anonymized data about our sites’ usage, including customer and market research, financial analysis and trends;

  8. Supporting and facilitating in good faith and to an extent reasonable, the progress, development, and completion of commercial negotiations and transactions;

  9. Monitoring against misuse, fraudulent and criminal activities, claims, and other liabilities; and

  10. To comply with applicable legal requirements, law enforcement requests, and our company policies.


Communicating with our visitors

We may contact you to notify details or troubleshoot issues related to your account, resolve disputes, collect fees or amounts owed, seek your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, send marketing campaigns, promotions and any updates about our company, contact you to update or enforce our user agreements or update national laws with you. To do so, we may contact you through email, telephone, text messages, and postal mail. You may choose to opt-out of receiving marketing campaigns, promotions, and updates.


Using cookies and other tools

We may use third-party services, such as Google Analytics and other applications, directly or through our third-party platforms. These applications may place cookies or utilize other tracking technologies through their services and may have their respective policies regarding how they collect and store information. As these are mostly external services, their data privacy practices are available in their privacy policy. We choose our third-party services after making reasonable efforts to assess the capability of these parties to support our privacy responsibilities.


When you access our sites, our third-party business partners and we may, by default, collect certain information about your visit using such cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies. The information gathered when you visit our sites may include IP addresses, details of your operating system, your browsers, system settings, and information about your computer or mobile device used to access our sites. Additionally, we may collect unique device identifiers, clickstream data (which shows the page-by-page path you take as you browse our sites). Our business partners and we may combine your information collected individually with other information you choose to provide.


Our sites may use cookies, including but not limited to HTTP, HTML5, Flash cookies, and web beacons, with other types of local storage. You may disable the cookies on your computer and devices. If you choose to disable the cookies, they could affect certain features of our sites using the cookies to enhance their functionality.


You may choose to opt-out of some of these services by requesting us at Currently, we do not have real-time opt-out facilities against requests made on our sites. Opt-out requests will be appropriately acted upon within 2-3 working days from the time of your request.


Updating the privacy policy

We reserve the right to amend this policy from time to time, and encourage you to be updated with the changes here frequently, and ensure that you are comfortable with the changes. Changes or clarifications to the policy take immediate effect once posted on our sites. We encourage you to visit this section to keep yourself updated about changes to the policy.


Withdrawing your consent, accessing, revising or deleting your personal information

You may choose to discontinue retaining your data with us or wish to access, rectify, revise or delete your personal information. Should you choose to do so, kindly –


contact your employer designated administrator, if you are a business user; or

contact us at using your registered email, if you have shared information on our sites in your personal capacity;


We endeavour to respond and take appropriate action within a reasonable time from your request.


Thank you for reading through this policy and entrusting your information with us.

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